Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Going To McDonnell

KaShawn Haskell 
Going To McDonnell 
Jan 15

Today at McDaniel I seen kids that had problems with their ABC’s 123’s some of them had problems with reading. Bobby he seem like his maybe three and he can't walk or talk he crawl to where he wants to go. They had to to change him because he don't know how to use the restroom yet. Abby she more like a visen learner she good at things if you show her then she she would get it and as soon she get she gets happy about it. Gabby she don't pay much attention she was more into why we were there, the teacher she was trying to get her to get her to pay attention. When bobby was crying she pick him up and give him a toy that makes noses. The next class we went to some of the kid our smart. I noticed that when one of the kids would get something right they get happy and they knew they got it right. When they got it wrong they knew it and tryed to fix right away. One is very smart at math but when it come to reading he just gave up. Our next class was six grader but they seem like they was on level they just needed help a little like some other kids in class.

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