Wednesday, June 19, 2013

First Teaching Experience

KaShawn Haskell
First Time Experience
June 10 2013

When they first walk in the classroom, they run to the table to color. If they didn't have that out for them they would of been running around the classroom. When all the kids arrived they let them color for ten or maybe more minutes  when the time is close to the ending they say two min’s left, therefor they would know it’s is almost time for a new active next. The students sat down on a rug and the students and teacher introduced themselves to each other. We put the kids and the line and we went outside for our hike. The hike went very well but we could've kept the kids together more and stay on the lesson plan. We come back in we had story time and it went very well. Cre’Shawn read the story to the kids and she did different voice and the kids loved it.  we did moose ears are for the kids to get there attention and for them to look at the teacher all eyes and ears on them.We  had them sit at the table for snack time. When they finish with that, we let them play for a little while I stayed in with them and the other three went out to set up the next activity. I lined up the kids and we went outside for mud painting. The female students got all down and dirty but the boys really didn't play in it but the kids had a blast playing it. It was time for us to go and we said our goodbyes and thank you and head back to the school.

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